General Question
Race Location
Virtually Everywhere

Get In Touch With Us
Frequently Asked Questions
How long is registration open for?
You can register for the event until the site says registration is closed. This is typically at the final hours of the event, depending on your time zone. We make every effort to accommodate all runners.
What does registration include?
Every year is different for World Run Day. Some years we offer an event shirt, a medal, and a bib. Other years we offer the event t-shirt and a downloadable bib – which is the case for this year.
What do registration fees go towards?
Fees go towards event merchandise (t-shirt), credit card processing fee, and a World Run Day administrative fee.
Health & Training
Are there any training requirements for World Run Day?
Runners run at their own risk. Please treat this event as you would any race or training run. We encourage all. participants to run at your own comfortable pace and be a part of the event.
Are there any running training plans available.?
There are many training plans for free and for a small fee available to all runners on-line. Choose the plan that is most appropriate for your ability.
Race Info
When does the race start?
The race starts at different times all over the world. Depending on your time zone you may begin the event at 12:00 AM on World Run Day, Similarly, the event technically ends at 11:59 PM. We are aware that some individuals may not be available to run, or weather conditions may be severe. To accommodate all runners, you can run whenever safely after 12:00 AM.
Where do I send my charity donation?
All charity monies should be mailed directly to the charity of your choice.
When will I get my event shirt, bib, etc.?
Your custom event shirt will be mailed usually within one week of registration. It is all contingent on the mail delivery systems in your country.
How can I host a World Run Day event in my immediate area?
Send us an e-mail describing how you intend to host World Run Day and it will be reviewed by us.
Are there any results posted?
We will provide a press release after the event describing the event. We attempt to post all participants; but due to volume please give us time.
Accomodations & Travel
Does World Run Day have any Travel Partners or Travel Discount options?
Unfortunately, at this time we do not have any travel discounts
Register to Race!
Place an inspirational quote here and motivate to run. r sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam