Being a competitive runner for 50 years I grew up learning more and more about running. Over the last several years, I was drawn away from schedules for 5K and Marathons. I realized that the health benefits of running extended past competition and weight loss. There are tons of reasons to run. I only took the top 100 in my mind. 

The following is a list of the Top 100 that are in included in the video I created for YouTube. 

Let me know if you uncover any that I forgot?


1Good for your health
2Referred to as a “Miracle Drug”
3Equipment is inexpensive
4Save Cash $$$
5Eliminate some Prescription Drugs
6Use your “Running Shoes” for running
7Fewer doctor visits
8Preserve brain function  
9Aids in decisionmaking & problem solving 
10Helps you deal with stress better
11Helps relieve anxiety
12Helps alleviate depression
13Helps short-term memory
14Helps long-term memory
15Reduces risk of cognitive decline
16Improves your self-image
17Running is an “adaptable” exercise
18Offers goal variations
19Helps reduce “burnout” in job
20Allows quiet time for meditation
21Reserves your “quiet time” for thinking 
22Endorphins improve your mood
23Improves your self-esteem
24Increases brain volume (declines after 20’s)
25Run for your favorite charity
26Lowers risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
27Become more optimistic
28Check off items on your bucket list
29Become one with nature
30Learn the running lingo
31Boosts brain power
32Creates endorphins: The Runner’s High
33Good for the soul
34Learn what a good breathing pattern is
35Improves your concentration
36Change inward self not just outward self
37Leave the sedentary lifestyle
38Maintain a healthy weight
39Improved endurance
40Reduces risk of high blood pressure
41Reduces risk of heart attack
42Reduces risk of stroke
43Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease
44Helps to prevent Type 2 diabetes
45Helps to build strong bones
46Burns plenty of calories (approx 100 per mile)
47Improves your energy levels
48Experience our primal roots
49We were built to run 
50Lower HR usually means efficient heart
51Increase sex drive (libido) in women 
52Increases erectile function in men
53Become more creative while running
54Great multitasking activity
55Strengthens muscles
56Lowers risk of developing cancer
57Lowersrisk of Parkinson’s Disease
58Easier to get to sleep
59Improved sleep duration
60Less restrictive diet (as miles increase)
61May lead to better dietary habits
62Running can increase life span
63Get that “natural glow” – clean skin pores
64Strengthens your core muscles
65A quicker way to travel
66Vitamin D (a natural dose)
67Strengthens lungs (respiratory muscles)
68Increases lung capacity (volume)
69Increases blood circulation
70Improves joint strength and mobility
71Improves joint strength and stability
72Popular natural way to rid the body of fat
73Improves your vision
74Helps to reduce cholesterol
75Introduces you to a healthy lifestyle
76Allows you to shape your body image
77Most calories burned per hour of activity
78You’ll be part of the running community
79Meet and discover new people
80Make new friends
81You can share running with friends
82You can share running with your date
83You can share running with family
84You can share running with your dog
85It’s not a fad or trend – it’s always in style
86A year round activity – not seasonal
87It’s always convenient and accessible
88Can take on vacation – no extra luggage charge
89Good excuse to travel to a city/country
90Visit with friends & relatives during races
91Excuse to be home to attend favorite race
92Have fun!!!
93Enjoy your favorite beverage
94Create a “runner” party
95Activity that you can measure progress
96One of the most popular sports on earth
97Helps fight addictions
98Enter a “Beer Run” (Brewery Run)
99You are working out like the pro’s
100Something in common with celebrities


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