December Press Releases:


A New Year’s Day Run Like None Other – Celebrated World Wide 

Virtual 9AM Run Event Incorporates Local Church Bells and Time Zones for a Great Cause. 

PRESS RELEASE  Dec 17, 2018 11:00 EST

NEW YORK, December 17, 2018  – Every runner on the planet is invited to run on January 1, 2019 at precisely 9AM. So what’s so unique? First, none other than Church Bells will be used to start every person’s run. Second, each Time Zone around the world will be sequenced forming “a new wave” of emerging runner participants. And its all for a great cause: Your Health. A percentage of funds from the event sales will also be donated to the poor. 

Experienced runners are requested to participate and bring new runners to the start line. New Years Day is traditionally a day for new resolutions, new beginnings, and also turning over a new page in history. 

The New Years Day Church Bell Run hopes to recruit the first footprints of runners in 2019. They won’t have to “wake up at the crack of dawn” and drive an hour to a running event either. They just have to remember to make it to the church on time! The race director may be unseen; but the chimes will be heard on schedule – like they’ve been heard for centuries before. 

Wherever they live, runners will plant their first steps in snow, asphalt, sand, or even on the treadmill. Whether its 10 degrees or 90 degrees they are all capable of running and achieving their first mile for a great cause. 

Runners can register thru, post their pictures and results on social media, and become part of a great running tradition. 

“We need to bring back the luster of the Mile Run” says Event Director Bill McDermott, a 17-time marathoner, of the USA. “The Marathon has been a glorified distance over the last few decades,” he states. New runners need to focus on a shorter distance with the help and support of others.

The World Run Day website – – will serve as the event website and place each registered runner on a global map to track each participant. 

Every runner on the planet is invited to run.



About World Run Day and The Church Bell Run

The World Run Day Event was the first “Virtual Running” event in the world. Originally started as the brainchild of competitive runner Bill McDermott, the event has been recognized by over 10,000 runners internationally. World Run Day is funded entirely by McDermott and has runners as its only sponsor(s). Runners of all abilities are represented. The Church Bell Run is a new addition to the calendar of virtual running events. The event was filed for Trademark status in the fall of 2018.

To learn more, visit

Media Contact: 
Bill McDermott 
Phone: 917.626.9623 (USA) 

Source: World Run Day

Categories: PhilanthropyRunning

Tags: ChallengeCharityDonationExerciseFitnessGlobalJoggingNovember,PhilanthropyRunning December

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