October 31, 2019 Press Releases
Global Virtual Run: A “CRAZE” or for “THE CRAZY”
DYI Charity Run offers Bibs, Run Ideas, and T-Shirt designs for every country.
DYI Charity Run offers Bibs, Run Ideas, and T-Shirt designs for every country.
(Right click image above to download)
Virtual Running is a niche event recognized by Marathons in Boston, New York City, London, and countless other running events ranging from one mile to an ultra marathon. In 2019, Google now returns over 300,000 results for the term “Virtual Run”. In so many words, a Virtual Run, like World Run Day, held on November 10th (at runday.com), is a DIY run with a heartfelt “charity donation” as a major component. The virtual run event director typically decides which charity benefits. In the modern digital age of today, Virtual Running is recognized by many as a newfangled fundraiser that begs the question: “Is it a Craze or for the Crazy.”
Arguably, Virtual Running had its beginnings in an event back in 1999. It was then that Bill McDermott of Long Beach, NY, in an oceanfront city on the South Shore of Long Island, had an informal running event with locals – and some Virtual Runner) in countries as far away as Cape Verde. On one particular day in November, on the infamous Long Beach Boardwalk, they ran and scribbled on a poster their names, run results, favorite charity, and donation amount. They each mailed their donation to their favorite charity. It was the beginning of what is called World Run Day.
Along with fully developing the concept of World Run Day, McDermott even went the extra distance to trademark the term, create brochures, set up E-BIB’s (electronic bib pdf ), and create other terms beyond the typical nomenclature known to runners back then. There’s even a World Run Day Expo consisting of multiple TV-like screens on a web page. Each one streaming separate sponsor advertisements, selling other running events, and educating runners about Long Island’s wildly popular “RUN TO THE BREWERY” events.
McDermott is entered in the NYC Marathon and is a member of both New York’s NYRRC (New York Road Runners Club) and Long Island’s GLIRC (Greater Long Island Running Club). He is a former member of RUSA (Running in The USA)
For more information contact Bill McDermott at World Run Day (www.runday.com) at 917-626-9623
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About World Run Day
The World Run Day Event was the first “Virtual Running” event in the world. Originally started as the brainchild of competitive runner Bill McDermott, the event has been recognized by over 10,000 runners internationally. World Run Day is funded entirely by McDermott and has runners as its only sponsor(s). Runners of all abilities are represented. This is the signature event of World Run Day and occurs on the Sunday closest to Nov. 8 every year. The day originally started as an anniversary tribute to Bill’s brother, who died in a car accident Nov. 8, 1984.
World Run Day caters to the runners who are passionate about the sport and voluntarily donate their hard-earned money to charities across the world. The 21st running of World Run Day occurs on Nov. 10, 2019. To learn more, visit https://www.runday.com.
Media Contact:
Bill McDermott
Phone: 917.626.9623 (USA)
Email: bill@runday.com
Source: World Run Day
Categories: Philanthropy, Running
Tags: Challenge, Charity, Donation, Exercise, Fitness, Global, Jogging, November,Philanthropy, Running
Additional Images
About World Run Day
An International Day for Running and Charity – Worldwide.
The event asks runners to run “virtually” anywhere they desire and make a donation directly to their charity of choice. An event T-Shirt can be purchased & E-Bibs are available for a nominal fee to all interested.
October 1, 2019 Press Release
World Run Day Suggests October 20 as Planning Date for USA Runners
“Run-Your-Own-Race” Charity Run offers Bibs, Run Ideas, and T-Shirt designs for every country.
World Run Day Suggests October 20 as Planning Date for USA Runners
“Run-Your-Own-Race’ offers Bibs, Run Ideas, and T-Shirt designs for every country.
NEW YORK, October 1, 2019 – Every runner on the planet is invited to run on World Run Day, Nov. 10, 2019. The event is intended to attract the most passionate runners on the globe with its virtual celebration of running. Runners run a distance of their choosing and donate to a charity of their choosing. “’Let the runner decide’ was my mantra,” explains World Run Day founder and 1999-2019 Event Director Bill McDermott of the United States. In order that we don’t disappoint runners, we have declared October 20th as World Run Day Planning Day – providing ample time for runners to get on board.
The World Run Day website – www.runday.com – emphatically labels its celebratory theme “THE POWER OF RUNNERS WORLDWIDE.” That’s precisely what happens when runners run “virtually” together – whether in New York, California, London or even The Philippines – and make donations to their favorite local charities.
The World Run Day event is unlike any event in a number of ways this year: McDermott has t-shirt manufacturers scattered globally this year to ship over 200 individual designs – by Country. Participants can have their name printed on the shirt, download a bib, and inspire others on social media. McDermott, the self-proclaimed father of Virtual Running, has spent 8 months planning this event. To accommodate the needs of these runners, they can run on a treadmill, on the beach, in a race or just about anywhere.
Every runner on the planet is invited to run.BILL MCDERMOTT
This Global Fitness & Charity Challenge now has a “Racing Division” to see how competitors run world-wide on the day. It’s experimental – but we’ll see how it goes! In years past, runners missed out on the event and event shirts arrived late or could not be fulfilled because inventory was depleted. October 20th has now been designated as the planning date for USA Runners (and all countries for that matter). The event promises to continue letting runners text messages on their shirt fronts, choose 20 colors for premium shirts, and deliver them all before 11:59:59 on World Run Day – November 10th.
The organization has a brand new multi-lingual website, with inspirational reasons to run, a world-class t-shirt design for every country, and an assortment of bibs as well (one for each country ”). “This year, we plan to re-emphasize the benefits of running and donating to charity,” says McDermott. In addition to his historic 28-mile run home on 9/11, his “rejected” “Survivor” audition video and other stories that show his passion for the sport, McDermott has created a press area with images and event history chronicled as best he can.
About World Run Day
The World Run Day Event was the first “Virtual Running” event in the world. Originally started as the brainchild of competitive runner Bill McDermott, the event has been recognized by over 10,000 runners internationally. World Run Day is funded entirely by McDermott and has runners as its only sponsor(s). Runners of all abilities are represented. This is the signature event of World Run Day and occurs on the Sunday closest to Nov. 8 every year. The day originally started as an anniversary tribute to Bill’s brother, who died in a car accident Nov. 8, 1984.
World Run Day caters to the runners who are passionate about the sport and voluntarily donate their hard-earned money to charities across the world. The 21st running of World Run Day occurs on Nov. 10, 2019. To learn more, visit https://www.runday.com.
Media Contact:
Bill McDermott
Phone: 917.626.9623 (USA)
Email: bill@runday.com
Source: World Run Day
Categories: Philanthropy, Running
Tags: Challenge, Charity, Donation, Exercise, Fitness, Global, Jogging, November,Philanthropy, Running
Additional Images
About World Run Day
An International Day for Running and Charity – Worldwide.
The event asks runners to run “virtually” anywhere they desire and make a donation directly to their charity of choice. An event T-Shirt can be purchased & E-Bibs are available for a nominal fee to all interested.